Welcome to the Velvet Ridge Ranch
Private Land Elk Hunts in Colorado, Elk Meat For Sale and CWD Information

The Velvet Ridge Ranch is dedicated to helping stop the disease and killing of our majestic elk and deer. Our sole purpose is to find an answer to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).
Our primary research being performed is the investigation of a LIVE TEST and defining transmission of CWD. For more information about CWD, please visit our CWD Information Section which contains CWD Info for Hunters, FAQs, Research, Live Test and other Resources.
You can help save the elk and deer by purchasing a Private Land Elk Hunt, Elk Meat or other Elk Items from the Velvet Ridge Ranch. Please see our links below for more information.
- Velvet Ridge Ranch Products & Services:
- Private Land Elk Hunts
Get your Monster Elk Today, Guaranteed Elk with no hunting license required because the hunt is on the VRR's private land. - Elk Products For Sale
Fresh Elk Meat, Elk Antlers, and one of a kind Elk Furniture For Sale - Elk Picture Gallery
Meet our Elk Herd at the Velvet Ridge Ranch! - Donate to Help Cure Chronic Wasting Disease
The Velvet Ridge Ranch is dedicated to finding a cure for CWD. Please help by making any amount of donation, every donation goes directly to the elk herd's care at VRR.
The Velvet Ridge Ranch is located in the foothills just west of Fort Collins, Colorado. It is a beautiful and amazing place to visit or go hunting. We are now booking elk hunts for the Fall Season, our calendar will fill up fast, so call Today to Reserve your Hunt! We offer the best value in the private hunting industry for the right cause. Come hunting with us and you will see why.
The terrain inside Velvet Ridge's private ranch is awesome with two large ravines travel through the property. There is an area of northern pines, mixed hardwoods, and large boulder rock formations. Your elk hunt will be very relaxing and enjoyable. The end result of your hunt will be the trophy of your dreams.
There are not many places that will compete with our service and prices. If you finish your hunt early and decide to hunt for a big Whitetail, no problem, or go out with a camera and take pictures of some of the biggest animals walking the north woods.
For more information about our products or service, or to schedule a Private Elk Hunt please call (970) 631-5921 or Contact Us.